
RESERVATIONReservation 綫上預約

Online Reservation 綫上預約

Online Reservation 綫上預約



※ 歡迎您隨時提交表格

※ 由於錯誤的聯絡ID可能會導致我們無法與您取得聯絡


If you have found a desired girl you would like to spend time with, please fill in the following information and submit the form.

Once you have submitted the form, our customer service will contact you.
(Contacting Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM)
※ You can submite the form at anytime.

Please ensure that you provide the accurate contact ID.
※ In case of incomplete information, we would not be able to reach out with you.

Username 用户名*
Name of the Girl 預約女生名*
Contact Method 聯絡方法*
Contact ID 聯絡ID*
TEL phone no. 電話號碼*
Date & Time 日期與時間*
Time Course 遊玩時長*
Address & Name of Bldg 地址與建築名*

